Poem: Dancing to Womanhood

A coming-of-age poem.

Dancing to Womanhood

There’s a life in headphones,
beating the beat
of Michael and Prince
But I wonder sometimes
if it’s yours
Or borrowed, like something
to warm you
against the chill
of womanhood

I laugh, because you told me once
that you felt
you’d been seduced
And it was another matter
you spoke about,
yet there’s seduction still,
as you dance this dance,
along the way
to womanhood

There’s pleading in your eyes,
to find it here
within cassettes
The key to a life written by others,
where the words rhyme
and slide guitar
promises tomorrow
all night long,
and womanhood

So take it there or make it here,
take it from Michael,
or make it yourself
Know the beat that makes you smile,
makes you move,
and sway
and close your eyes
And you’ll find the words to write
your womanhood
Poetry Collection: Corner of My Mind
This poem is included in
Jim Freeman's
poetry collection

available here in print
or as an e-Book
in your favorite formats.