Poem: Young Man's Game

Some things fill his eyes with tears, and crying is a young man's game.

A Young Man's Game

It hurts you when he needs
    more than you can give
Timelessness in knowing limits
    and you know yours
But some things fill his eyes with tears

Disconnected things without reason
Mallards settling at sunset
    in patterned, perfect unison
Or the holding of a seamless note
    beyond all breath

A remembered look on his child’s face
    before age caught up with childhood
    and taught the power of a look
Eyes that catch his, lingering like a photograph
The well-known thousand words and more

And you have looked inside him
    and other times away
With wordless knowing of your limits
Either way, it fills his eyes with tears
    and crying is a young man’s game
Poetry Collection: Corner of My Mind
This poem is included in
Jim Freeman's
poetry collection

available here in print
or as an e-Book
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