Poem It's Just the Wind

The tears you see are just the wind.

It's Just the Wind

If you should see tears in my eyes,
it’s just the wind
Not thinking about the things
we might have done,
or might yet do if you were here
It’s just the wind

Walking through the parks
in my part of the world
and thinking about how many times
we walked and talked
But it’s a little blurry now you see
It’s just the wind

Took a trip not too long ago,
across big country, wandering
Looked back over my shoulder
to a ribbon-road
and had to stop when I looked ahead
It’s just the wind

Get caught like everyone who looks
too deep in forests or high in trees,
and need to kneel to catch my breath
Run my fingers over mosses, see perfection,
and it swims before my eyes
It’s just the wind

Lie on my back and watch the stars
Who hasn’t done that, such a common thing
and then I see it all come clear
Looking out to things I’ll never know,
that slow my heart and slow my breath
and for a moment, I am perfect too

It stops the wind
Poetry Collection: Corner of My Mind
This poem is included in
Jim Freeman's
poetry collection

available here in print
or as an e-Book
in your favorite formats.