Poem: Smile Fading

Deeper feeling left to quiet eyes, smile fading, nothing left to prove.

Smile Fading

Teeth showing, smiling as if
no other sign of recognition worked
Unnatural it seems, and forced
Somehow an expected thing

An aggression, this baring teeth
in lower forms of life, and yet
there may be evolutionary-lag
The welcoming of flashing canines

No message in that smile for me
Thin and flat, of little consequence,
deeper feeling left to quiet eyes
Smile fading, nothing left to prove

Leave it alone, a grin will do
No teeth to prove the pleasure
seeing you--unexpected in my day
We’ll sit and drift, stir our coffee

Amused at nearby laughter, shrill,
playing no part in what we share
Quiet water, deeper pools of trust
Our contract signed with no negotiation

Two lives, allowed to touch
Poetry Collection: Corner of My Mind
This poem is included in
Jim Freeman's
poetry collection

available here in print
or as an e-Book
in your favorite formats.