Poem: Don't Take It Personally

Ah, but how else to take it? Coming apart has as many facets as a diamond.

Don't Take It Personally

This isn’t about you,
so don’t take it personally
It’s about me and I have
no other way to take it
Coming apart is never easy

But there’s an obligation to loving,
even though I told you otherwise
How many times?
Times enough I’m sure,
but I hadn’t thought it through

Nothing lately but time to think
Time to walk and have those
experimental conversations,
trying everything on for size,
to see what fits

Looking bullshit in the face
Mine, not yours,
so don’t take it personally
Turning over obligation
like a shiny stone

I think that one who loves another
has a single obligation
A simple one, as most things are simple
Not to cause too much pain
The rest all settles out from that

So leaving you comes down to this
The price of loving you is too much pain
and I’m dead-flat broke
The cost of loving me was never very high,
but your pockets were empty too
Poetry Collection: Corner of My Mind
This poem is included in
Jim Freeman's
poetry collection

available here in print
or as an e-Book
in your favorite formats.