Poem: On a Good Day

Or a dog-day, or a good dog-day, or . . .

On a Good Day

The difference between being a dog and a human,
    is that you can go to the kitchen
    for a piece of chocolate
    and a cup of coffee, if need be,
    without waiting for your dish to be filled

at least on a good day

This being a man has its advantages, I say
Damned few perhaps, but there you are,
    the choices are wider horizontally,
    the misadventures drawn more boldly,
    if not more seriously

at least on a good day

And if we are not our own best friend, then who’s?
At least it should be said our tails are wagged
    over human values, or what serves
    for human values
Scratched behind our ear, not made to beg

at least on a good day
Poetry Collection: The Smell of Tweed and Tobacco
This poem is included in
Jim Freeman's
poetry collection


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